First of all, baby Taylor has officially become a toddler! He took his first steps yesterday and is slowly entering the realm of bipededness (no, I don't care if that's not a word). Obviously this new mode of transportation has it's pros and cons. It's nice that he'll soon be getting around easier, but that means he'll also be getting into trouble easier AND getting hurt more often. All that aside, it's so fun to watch him wobble around and it amazes me every day how much he's grown.
These past few days have been stressful because Taylor has had croup. And bad cough + sore throat = very cranky baby. We've done all the tricks I learned as a kid - humidifier, vaporub, steam baths, and lots of liquids. I'm hoping he'll be feeling 100% better for Friday; I definitely am not up for spending another 4th of July stuck in our house. To avoid getting sick ourselves, Sean and I have been taking Airborne three times a day and it seems to be working well - knock on wood! The funniest part about Tay being sick (okay, the ONLY funny part) is that he's fascinated with the humidifier. He's constantly standing up on it and sticking his face right now in the mist. It cracks me up, and he gets an extra concentrated dose of vaporized water at the same time!
P.S. I know there's no pictures in this post. Sean is currently trying to figure out why almost all of my pictures have mysteriously disappeared from iPhoto. Ah the joys...
EDIT: Okay, Sean figured it out and there's pictures now. Thank goodness for the geeks of the world!
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