Monday, September 24, 2007

So many things to do...

My house needs help.

Last year I owned my own professional organizing business, and you'd think with that kind of background my home would be spotless. Not so.

Let me give you some idea of the damage. I'm sitting here on my sofa that is in desperate need of vacuuming. In front of me is the coffee table stacked with magazines, notebooks, movies, books, dirty dishes, a Slurpee cup, and a tube of Bordeaux's Butt Paste (yep, that's what it's really called).

On the floor all over the living room is piles of dirty laundry I have yet to do. There's also 3 blankets laid out for the baby, a huge jumper that takes up way too much room in our tiny house, baby books, and shoes. Lots and lots of shoes.

I hope you're getting the idea.

I think a huge part of becoming a parent is just accepting the fact that there will never be a day when your house is completely clean, the laundry and dishes are done, and you actually have had time to shower, dry your hair, get dressed, and put on makeup. It's just not going to happen. The laundry is never-ending, my sink is constantly full of dishes, there is baby drool and spit-up stains all over my clothes, I'm constantly tripping over toys and shoes and a cat, and I'm lucky if I get to wash my hair every 2 days.

And you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way.

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