Wednesday, May 14, 2008

You can't always get what you want...

Taylor has never been so interested in the kitchen now that we have a baby gate up to keep him out. He gets so mad when the gate is shut and I'm in the kitchen. Not that I blame him; the kitchen has lots of fascinating things to explore - cabinets full of heavy cans and toxic chemicals, tasty cat food, and a smelly liter box. It's so cute when he crawls over, pulls himself to a stand, and gets up on his little tiptoes trying to somehow defy the laws of physics and fall over the gate and onto the linoleum floor of the kitchen. Once he even crawled over to the gate while I was doing dishes and started meowing like a sad little kitty. As much as he begs, the kitchen will continue to remain off limits for his own safety and my sanity.

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