Monday, February 4, 2008

Taylor's Travels: The Treacherous Fishy Tunnel!

Baby's log: 2:00pm. I traveled over the sandy carpet of sleepiness toward the treacherous fishy tunnel of doom.
Just before I reached the tunnel I collapsed from sheer infant exhaustion and received aid from Mommy to travel the rest of the way.
Once I arrived in the tunnel, I peeked out to insure that Mommy was still there in case I encountered any danger.
I then examined the interesting ancient fishy hieroglyphics carved into the sides of the cave.
In order to see the carvings more clearly, I pulled out the tool that no explorer should be without: my handy dandy whisk!
After I studied the inside of the cave, I decided to travel through to the other side of the tunnel, where I encountered a furry, ferocious beast!
Luckily I am highly trained in the handling of such dangerous, wild felines, and the beast turned and ran away with a simple yank of her tail.

All in all, it was an incredible adventure. I wish I could have explored the treacherous fishy tunnel further, but I had to get home in time for my nap. Until next time, this is outback explorer Baby Tay, signing off.

1 comment:

Christine said...

I love it!!! I want to hear more about baby Tay's wild adventures... hehe :-)